Accustomed meaning in hindi
As noun : उपसंपन्न Ex:  Do one thing on his own authority, authority, on his own authority, without having to make the law or without observing the formalities accustomed
परिचित Ex:  I am accustomed to the cold, heat, etc उ: वे आपसी सहयोग एवं सगठन के महत्व से परिचित थे। परिवृत Ex:  In terms Ride, Ensure the mouth of a horse, a horse accustomed to suffer the bit मुलाकाती Ex:  It became accustomed to his neighbor शनासा Ex:  It is accustomed to fatigue
As verb : अपाकशाक Ex:  His accustomed thoroughness of work impressed me. आदी Ex:  be done, be accustomed to उ: जिनमे रोडी, रेती, आदी मिलती हे। कटुकंद Ex:  Failure addiction; Fact of not being accustomed to something कटुभद्र Ex:  He said, figuratively and familiarly, a Grand speaker, or a man who is accustomed to make long speeches about everything चिर परिचित Ex:  He wants to take everything of authority, wants a man accustomed to speak, to act in a manner pressing महीजा Ex:  It also means accustomed, accustomed राहुच्छत्र Ex:  It further says Flag or sign accustomed to rallying शार्ङ्ग Ex:  It is early accustomed to fatigue श्रृंगवेरक Ex:  The autumn is not accustomed to be so rainy सशाक Ex:  The first past glance, it becomes accustomed to see सात्मीकृत Ex:  The first past glance, it becomes accustomed to see स्वर्णभूमिका Ex:  The one, the one who admires or who are accustomed to admire हमेशा का Ex:  the ordinary, as was accustomed
As adjective : अभ्यस्त Ex:  The horse was not accustomed to a bit अभ्यास पडा हुआ Ex:  Muhammad is said to had accustomed his wives to dialogue अभ्यास पड़ा हुआ Ex:  The city is accustomed to large crowds. अभ्यासी Ex:  accustomed व्यायत Ex:  It is accustomed to doing his will, it will be difficult to reduce the शीलित Ex:  of both genders who far exceeds the size or accustomed size शीली Ex:  Sleeping away from home, out of the house where it was accustomed to sleep सात्मीकृत Ex:  The first past glance, it becomes accustomed to see
Accustomed ki paribhasha : jain darshan ke anusaar vah svargiy aatma jo do baar kisi chakr men aa chuki ho
ExamplesAccustomed synonyms
addicted confirmed acquainted seasoned trained adapted habituated familiar given to inured grooved disciplined familiarized acclimatized habituated in in the habit settled in customary expected established accepted general chronic common conventional everyday habitual ordinary orthodox regular routine traditional typical Accustomed antonyms
abnormal unusual unaccustomed Usage of Accustomed in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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