Achievement meaning in hindi
As noun : आरंभनिष्पत्ति Ex: After this achievement he proved himself a stayer.
उपलब्धि Ex: When the arms of a knight and his wife are shown in one achievement उ: इनकी उपलब्धि मन के द्वारा होती है। कार्यसम्पादन Ex: Ptolemy's achievement was to order his material in a systematic way कार्यसिद्धि Ex: The real achievement of the book उ: कार्यसिद्धि और पुरुषार्थ ही वास्तविक "शुभ" है। कीरक Ex: Henderson's achievement was somewhat overshadowed because Ryan निष्पादन Ex: His major achievement was a four-volume history of the frontier उ: परियोजना के सफल निष्पादन के लिए एक प्रभावी योजना बनाना आवश्यक है। महान् कार्य Ex: Before this achievement मात्रालाभ Ex: While Americans tend to greatly value socioeconomic achievement विवित्ति Ex: In recognition of his achievement सफल प्रयत्न Ex: This is an unusual achievement for any constitution . सफलता Ex: be free of any achievement उ: इन तीनों नाटकों में कवि को महान् सफलता मिली है। समवाप्ति Ex: His health never received achievement साति Ex: The achievement of an illness साधन प्राप्ति Ex: , who took part in a sporting event and those who have done a sporting achievement isolated
Other : अवधारणा Ex: Computers can be termed as the greatest scientific achievement of the decade. उ: सामाजिक लाभ जैसी कोई अवधारणा ही नहीं बन पाई थी। कर्तृत्व Ex: His most famous achievement was at the outbreak of the Second Punic War कृतित्व Ex: Pelé received a lifetime achievement award from the BBC and in June 2006 उ: इस कृतित्व का विवेचन पुस्तक के दूसरे खण्ड में है। निष्पत्ति Ex: The city has a history of scientific achievement उ: ' रस के रूप में जिसकी निष्पत्ति होती है, वह भाव ही है। फल Ex: The achievement of epic poetry was to create story-cycles उ: पके फल को लोग खाते हैं। लब्धि Ex: The book is also a notable technical achievement by James उ: इसकी लब्धि जन्म से ही नारकों और देवों को होती है। वीरता का काम Ex: He was awarded various lifetime achievement awards from the Academy Awards सफल Ex: achievement उ: परंतु, इनमें सफल केवल 'नीलकमल' ही हुई।
Achievement ki paribhasha : hath yog ke anusaar naad ki chaar prakaar ki avasthaaun men se aantim avastha
ExamplesAchievement synonyms
creation effort accomplishment attainment victory realization performance deed feat triumph completion acquirement hit actualization consummation conquest stroke effectuation production exploit masterpiece fulfillment execution enactment acquisition contrivance tour de force encompassment Achievement antonyms
loss idleness forfeit injury miscue misfortune negligence failure defeat unfulfillment neglect Usage of Achievement in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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