Aching meaning in hindi
As noun : आँस Ex: They rest their aching limbs
आर्तता आर्ति दरइ दर्द उ: पैरों में दर्द रहने लगा हो। दुखता हुआ रायण संरुजन समंक पीड़ा
Other : दर्द होना
Aching ki paribhasha : kisi prakaar ka duःkh pahuanchaane ka bhaav
ExamplesAching synonyms
sore nagging tender raw smarting stinging achy hurtful throbbing hurting Aching antonyms
experienced healthy Usage of Aching in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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