Act upon meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Act upon
As noun : कार्रवाई करना Ex:  France and Belgium chose to act upon this
As verb :
पर कार्य करना Ex:  Let sleeping a case, do not act upon it not to wake प्रभाव डालना
Act upon synonyms
rush force inspire propel make motivate send herd encourage push prompt spur stimulate chase bulldoze pound actuate overwork coerce arouse animate provoke worry hound nag compel goad prod instigate kick hustle shepherd overburden oblige induce pressure hurl railroad hurry shove dog impel harass constrain hasten egg on ride herd on goose steamroll lean on put up to spirit up work on bias impress guide shape persuade prejudice manipulate determine affect regulate sway alter change control dispose move direct prevail sell seduce mold incite snow brainwash channel urge form modify count incline rule turn predispose bribe bring to bear carry weight get at argue into be recognized have a part in impact on pull strings talk into work upon execute accept observe embrace heed surrender carry out comply respond accord accede concur acquiesce perform mind submit keep discharge answer follow assent agree fulfill abide by knuckle under toe the line adhere to live by be loyal to be ruled by bow to do as one says do what is expected do what one is told get in line give way hold fast play second fiddle take orders do one's bidding do one's duty pursue follow up on
Act upon antonyms
dissuade prevent impede calm delay hinder dally procrastinate slow wait curb repress retard discourage halt stop depress leave alone please pull rest let go check remain deter neglect stay continue keep mismanage disenchant be fair be just disregard ignore deny refuse reject disallow disapprove protest dispute object dissent disobey mutiny rebel forget miss decline overlook ask question argue oppose disagree differ fail have no effect on
Usage of Act upon in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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