Action meaning in hindi
As noun : अंगढ़ग Ex: nerve impulses cross a synapse through the action of neurotransmitters
अंठ Ex: The management took disciplinary action against the trade union. अकामता Ex: The govt.takes strict action against unsound banking practices. अक्रियता Ex: an enlightening glimpse of government in action अजस्त्रता Ex: Government has to take action to eliminate illiterate. अन्नगति Ex: He denounced the government action अम्र Ex: The public has been dilatory in condemning the police action against protesters. असर Ex: The government took action against the anti-national group. उ: रोमन साम्राज्य का असर इटली पर पड़ना स्वाभाविक था। आंतःपुरिक Ex: His action on the problem was like flying a kite. उदग्रप्लुतत्व Ex: Strict restrictive action action needs to be taken to stop eve-teasing. उरेहनापु Ex: The action of the novel shifts from Paris to London. एक्शन Ex: We conferred about a plan of action उ: उसके बाद इस पर पुलिस ने बड़ा एक्शन लिया। करम Ex: In this way action is never a means कराहट Ex: The French had spent the summer preparing for this action कर्मचेष्टा Ex: Boas was censured for this action by the American Anthropological Association काँज Ex: The action of the novel कानूनी कार्यवाही करने योग्य Ex: The turning point of the action काम Ex: 50 BMG rifles of any action type as assault weapons उ: इसके बाद वे तमिल फिल्मों में काम करने लगीं। कामविहंता Ex: The situation also led ARM to consider taking action itself कामु Ex: After minor action at La-Charité-sur-Loire in November and December कारय Ex: The action is not cocked कारि Ex: While the Spartans refrained from action themselves कारि Ex: While the Spartans refrained from action themselves कारिज Ex: Alarmed at this action कार्मिक्य Ex: Abnormal insulin action may also been genetically determined in some cases. कार्य Ex: Cocoa possesses a significant antioxidant action उ: धार्मिक कार्य में चान्द्र ऋतुएँ ली जाती हैं। कार्यकलाप Ex: Photography is the process of making pictures by means of the action of light. उ: जैसे- चन्द्रमा दिमाग और गुरु धार्मिक कार्यकलाप का कारक होता है। कार्यान्वित करना Ex: They saw action primarily in the Plain of Reeds. कार्रवाई Ex: It also introduced the concept of a system transaction and a user transaction. उ: सैन्य कार्रवाई में इन्हें तख़्त पर बिठाया गया। किबो Ex: While this action was popular किरतब Ex: Essentially, Arjuna wishes to abandon the battle, to abstain from action कृत्यार Ex: Keaton's unsuccessful first excursion into the thriller and action genre. क्रिया Ex: On October the Regiment also saw action in the Cherwon Sector and on Iron Horse उ: इस क्रिया को सुर मिलाना कहते हैं। क्रियाशीलता Ex: But action on the plan was never begun. उ: इसकी क्रियाशीलता के कारण इसे निर्वात या तैल में रखते हैं। गति Ex: The Israeli action was widely condemned. उ: गति के समीकरणों का स्वरूप भिन्न-भिन्न हो सकता है। गलखाँसी Ex: What if by tolerating action "A" गवँन Ex: Hong Kong action movies, Spaghetti Westerns and Japanese animation. गुंफ Ex: The Matrix has had a strong effect on action film-making in Hollywood. घटनाक्रम Ex: The sequels also incorporate longer and more ambitious action scenes उ: एक घटनाक्रम में वो अपने माता-पिता को खो देता है। चरणचार Ex: Only 19% of Russians supported continuing military action in September 2006 चेष्ट Ex: A distinction is often made between dolls and action figures छिलाव Ex: Modern action figures जवनिमा Ex: Military action produces a very small percentage of air pollution emissions. जातिव्यवसाय Ex: The Cavalry had fielded some double action revolvers in . झिड़झिड़हट Ex: French military terms used in English include: action टकराहट Ex: The action consisted of combined air and sea engagements over four days ठटनि,ठटनी Ex: The code has been written and awaits action by the parliament. डोलनि Ex: Louis's action alienated the English public even further ढाण Ex: Most of these shows were Hanna-Barbera action cartoons such as Jonny Quest तीरंदाजी Ex: Other chiefs gradually followed this action उ: उन्होने यहां तीरंदाजी के दांव-पेच सीखे। तूर्णि Ex: The battle, lasting until 6 April 1918, was the bloodiest action of the war धंधु Ex: Karma translates literally as action नप्स Ex: In early June, Japan put their operations into action निजामत Ex: Officials at the Kruger National Park say that without action निबटारा, निबटाव Ex: This approach to action influenced Donald Davidson's theory निर्मिति Ex: The Second World War also saw action in the North Sea नौकर्म Ex: Fjords arose by the action of glaciers पइस Ex: Formed by similar action to that which created the fjords and firths पुर्जाबन्दी Ex: These two types of action are almost exclusively used by rifles. प्रक्रिया Ex: This type of action is typically used by shotguns उ: इसके लिए तो संघर्ष की लम्बी प्रक्रिया चलानी होगी। प्रणिघान Ex: Even manga comics and action figures have been done in the StarCraft universe. प्रभावान्विति Ex: This action surprised both attackers and defenders. प्रवाच्य Ex: The action of the Krag-Petersson is बिहसनि Ex: US President George W. Bush supported Sharon's action बेदानि Ex: In affirmative action बेवसाय Ex: This action enhanced French prestige, at the expense of the papacy. बोलनि Ex: The adjective "Orwellian" denotes totalitarian action and organisation मुसाहबत Ex: Thrasybulus did return to action मुसाहवी Ex: She appeared as Cammy in the action film Street Fighter रँह Ex: While many of his colleagues saw action in the Mexican-American War रँहति Ex: Armstrong was in the USN and saw action in the Korean War. रचना Ex: Armstrong first saw action in the Korean War on August 29 उ: इनमें से ऋग्वेद की रचना सबसे पहले हुई थी। रफत Ex: Subsequent to this action लोकवृत्तांत Ex: Soundmaking in insects is achieved mostly by mechanical action of appendages. वर्षणि Ex: There was much action in the West Indies विचेष्टित Ex: Bissell defended his action before Congress विधानविधि Ex: One method of identifying points is through a right action of a group वींखा Ex: Some countries are creating action plans to protect the humpback वृधसानु Ex: Recalled for action in 1968 वृधसानु Ex: Recalled for action in 1968 वेल्ल Ex: When he finished training he asked to be posted to areas of action in which वेल्लित Ex: Some US airships saw action in the European war theatre. वेष्य Ex: By 18:30 the main fleet action was joined for the first time वैतरण Ex: The phenomena of community action वैतालिकव्रत Ex: There has also been business action on climate change व्यापृति Ex: As the presynaptic neuron undergoes an action potential शरमसारी Ex: Either action will create extensive mountain ranges. शेषता Ex: The cast included: Despite the initial appearance of an action film संकल्पज Ex: The term contrasts with action done out of self-interest. सखुनसाजी Ex: The national action charter सन्निवेश Ex: Every action of a tank's crew, movement and fire, is ordered by its commander. सरजाना Ex: It has a complex mode of action and affects multiple systems in the brain सर्जना Ex: Its mode of action is unknown. सिरजन Ex: But the action is focused mostly on Danny Archer सैनिक कार्रवाई Ex: Marines saw action throughout Central America, including Haiti and Nicaragua. स्राम्य Ex: 13,091 were killed in action हँफनी ‡ Ex: Mississippi only obtained a solution at the end of the battle-line action हालडोल Ex: The surface action ends हुरदंगई Ex: For example �I made a plan of action and followed it� . हुलक Ex: Yet, this is not the only way in which it takes action . हुशकाई Ex: Rathnam was written about as a symbol of Dalit action . हेतुमान् Ex: , This action has dragged after her a long series of misfortunes, it was followed by many misfortunes, of which she was the source
Other : अमल Ex: An advisory committee was brought into action to advise the government on defence. उ: एक समय-सारणी बनाएँ और उस पर अमल करें। करण Ex: Government took corrective action against the criminals. उ: करण घायल हो जाता है और अपनी दृष्टि खो देता है। करणी Ex: The cat stared at the mouse, poised for action . उ: यहां पर चारणों की बस्ती है और वे ही करणी जी के पुजारी हैं। करतूत Ex: The danger stirred them to action . करनी Ex: I want to be where the action is . उ: ‘‘ मनुष्यों की करनी मुझसे मत पूछो। करम Ex: The gameplay consists of a mixture of action कर्तृत्व Ex: Harold Rosenberg seemed to prefer the action painters like Willem de Kooning उ: इसमें ज्ञान है किंतु कर्तृत्व नहीं, चित् चित्शक्ति नहीं। कार्यवाही Ex: Most of the action takes place in the centre of this ground उ: वहाँ इसे 'सामाजिक कार्यवाही याचिका' कहते है। कार्यवाही{कानूनी} Ex: After the labor action was settled कृति Ex: It is action done without thought of gain. उ: गीतावली गोस्वामी तुलसीदास की काव्य कृति है। क्रियाविधि Ex: Both Gizmo and the gremlins were mass produced as action figures उ: इसकी क्रियाविधि कोणीय संवेग के संरक्षण के सिद्धान्त पर आधारित है। चाल Ex: Catharsis is the effect of dramatic completion of action in time. उ: इनकी चाल मंद होती थी और इनको घुमाने में देर लगती थी। भिड़ंत Ex: Any moral action is the action of the human will उ: दोनों सेनाओं की भिड़ंत प्लातिया के मैदान पर हुई। मुकदमा Ex: Museveni was lauded for his affirmative action program for women in the country उ: वह मुकदमा चार वर्ष तक चला। मुठभेड़ Ex: Most of the action in Robin Cook's book उ: मुठभेड़ का सामान्य अर्थ एक प्रकार का हिंसात्मक संघर्ष है। लडाई Ex: This action has been widely condemned by opposition and international figures व्यापार Ex: During the falling phase of the action potential उ: बालाघाट कृषि व्यापार और मैंगनीज खदान केन्द्र हैं।
Action ki paribhasha : itana maan ya adhikaar ki jo baat chaahe kar ya kara sake do paksho ke bich ka dhana, adhikaar aadi se snbndh rakhanevaala koi jhagad athava kisi aparaadh jurm ka maamala jo nibataare ya vichaar ke liye nyaayaalay men jaay nyaay ke anusaar vishay ke saath honevaala indriyon ka snyog vah jo kaaran ka vikaar ho athava jise lakshy karake karta kriya kare bhidne ki sthiti, kriya ya bhaav ek sthaan se doosare sthaan par kramash jaane ki kriya gati ya kriya jo kisi prayatn se utpann ho taratib ya kram se rakhana raajaaon ka chanvara, chhatr aadi ka dhaaran vyaakaran ka vah anga, jisase kisi vyaapaar ka karana ya karaana paaya jaay
ExamplesUsage of Action in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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