Actionable meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Actionable
As adjective : अनुयोज्य Ex:  It is built in a sense about the same, with an infinitive and said All that is the proximate cause or away from something , everything that leads to one thing, actionable
अभियोज्य उ:   जब एसटीएफ को उसके खिलाफ अभियोज्य प्रमाण मिले तो वाह फिर फरार हो गया। कानूनी कर्यवाही करने योग्य कानूनी कार्यवाही करने योग्य कार्यणीय कार्रवा वाद योग्य व्यवहार्य
Actionable ki paribhasha : brajabhaasha men pratham purush ka vah ekavachan roopa, jo kaarakachihn lagane ke pahale use praapt hota hai jisake vishay men poochhataachh ki aavshakata ho jo mukadame ya vaad men laaya ja sake
Actionable synonyms
prosecutable triable unjust
Usage of Actionable in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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