Acuteness meaning in hindi
As noun : जेहन उ: इस दृश्य की यादें आपके जेहन में हमेशा बसी रहती है।
तिग्मता तीक्ष्णता तीक्ष्णत्व तीछनता तैत्क्ष्ण्य नुकील् पैनाई पैनापन रँह
Other : वैदग्ध्य
ExamplesAcuteness synonyms
fierceness forcefulness severity keenness intelligence cleverness astuteness acumen Acuteness antonyms
ignorance inability ineptness stupidity Usage of Acuteness in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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