Additional meaning in hindi
As adjective : अतिरिक्त Ex: An additional battalion was sent to counterbalance the enemy forces. उ: इसके अतिरिक्त भेड़, बकरियाँ भी पाली जाती है।
ऐडिशनल Ex: I cannot grapple with any additional problems . न्यूनता पूरक Ex: An additional 17 inches of snow were dumped on Cleveland फुजला Ex: The additional rotors were named VI बाजु Ex: Canada deployed some additional troops to the War on Terrorism in Afghanistan.
Other : अरु Ex: The spearmint is used to give the additional taste to the food. ऊपर का Ex: An additional battalion was sent as a counterbalance to the enemy forces. औ Ex: Large submarines generally have an additional hull or hull sections outside. और Ex: In 1821, however, George IV appointed six additional knights उ: और फिर समझ पाना कठीन हो जाता है ।
Additional ki paribhasha : haathi ka pichhala bhaaga, jnghaa, pair aadi kisi ki tulana men aage badha hua vah alnkaar jisamain aadhey ko aadhaar se adhikavarnan karate hai
ExamplesAdditional synonyms
added increased other further new more option padding perk spare affixed appended on the side over-and-above Additional antonyms
necessary Usage of Additional in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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