Additionally meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Additionally
As adverb : इसके अतिरिक्त Ex:  Muhammad Iqbal, wrote mainly in the Persian language, and additionally in Urdu.
इसके अतिरिक्त्त Ex:  At his birth, he additionally was given the English name of "Bruce" by a Dr. इसके अलावा Ex:  The speed of light additionally affects wireless communications design.
Other : अरु Ex:  he serves additionally as the CEO उ:   श्री, शुभ, बल अरु शिल्पगुण, दीजै दया निधान। ऊपर Ex:  Bowe additionally describes the factories karaoke bars उ:   पर ऊपर से वह शांत ही बने रहे। Ex:  Watt is additionally commemorated by statuary in George Square और Ex:  The legal age of purchase has been additionally raised to 19 in Alabama उ:   और अब भूल सुधार कर दिया गया है । के अतिरिक्त Ex:  Nigeria has additionally founded regional cooperative efforts in West Africa के अलावा Ex:  Most fiction is additionally categorized by genre.
Additionally ki paribhasha : haathi ka pichhala bhaaga, jnghaa, pair aadi
Additionally synonyms
also and plus
Usage of Additionally in sentences

The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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