Adieu meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Adieu
As noun : अल्विदा Ex:  They bade us adieu and left.
नमस्कार{जाते समय}
Other : नमस्कार उ:   सभी से मेरा नमस्कार कहें। बिदा बिदाई विदा उ:   हंसते-हंसते विदा दो। सलाम उ:   उन्होंने गजलें, सलाम और कसीदे भी लिखे।
Adieu ki paribhasha : vah dhan aadi jo vida hone ke samay kisi ko diya jaay
Adieu synonyms
farewell goodbye valediction leave-taking adios congã© so long
Adieu antonyms
greeting hello
Usage of Adieu in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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