Adjuvant meaning in hindi
As noun : अनुकर Ex: In this situation, adjuvant chemotherapy may improve survival by up to 15%.
असिस्टंट Ex: An equal character is a valuable adjuvant उत्तसाधक Ex: Circumstances adjuvant दादरस परिगृहीता पीट पठिंगा पृष्ठपोषक शिराकती सहाइ सहायक उ: यह सरस्वती नदी की सहायक नदी थी। साहाय्यकर हस्तप्रद
Adjuvant ki paribhasha : vah chhoti nadi jo kisi badi nadi men milati ho
ExamplesAdjuvant synonyms
additional accessory accompanying attendant coincident satellite secondary attending contributory appurtenant subsidary supporting extra complementary spare backup reserve abetting impetus motivation incentive stimulant incitement reactionary spur goad incendiary agitator impulse incitation spark plug reactant synergist enzyme radical stimulus wave maker dependent parallel roundabout coordinate tributary side circuitous concurrent corresponding corroborative related under added adjunctive confirmatory not lineal coeval belonging joint fellow contemporary corollary agreeing coincidental connected synchronous coetaneous coexistent contemporaneous isochronal isochronous synergetic synergistic coefficient associated with associative concordant conjoined conjoined with coterminous coupled with in tempo in time synchronal lower inferior junior subaltern minor subject below par insignificant paltry smaller submissive unequal subnormal baser second-fiddle second-string subalternate substract underaverage bush-league conducive flunky helpful instrumental serviceable supplemental supplementary assistant cooperative branch assisting lesser useful aiding yeast ferment Adjuvant antonyms
needed necessary chief important superior body main hindrance blockage prevention preventer unrelated independent dissimilar primary principal different major direct accidental chance first-class first-rate source strong vital controlling domineering unnecessary useless unhelpful discouragement Usage of Adjuvant in sentences
The word is used as adjective noun in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi.
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