Admirable meaning in hindi
As adjective : उत्कृष्ट Ex: He is an admirable singer. उ: यह मंदिर भारत के उत्कृष्ट स्मारक स्थलों में से एक है।
काबिलेतारीफ Ex: He is an admirable singer. प्रगुण्य Ex: He wrote, "a very admirable relativistic theory of time. प्रशंसनीय Ex: This he did at the age of eighteen, achieving an admirable final report. उ: यह कार्य भी जनहित के लिए प्रशंसनीय प्रयास है। वस्य Ex: Among all the wonders of nature, there is none more admirable श्रवाप्य, श्रवाय्य Ex: Bonaventure, the Seraphic Doctor, Doctor Roger Bacon admirable श्लाघनीय Ex: It also means the sculptor of Work; This gallery contains admirable sculptures उ: यह प्रक्रिया गणित की श्लाघनीय विशेषता है। श्लोक्य Ex: It held, in this occasion, an admirable conduct सत्कला Ex: It means, for exaggeration, which is surprising, wonderful, admirable सुखदगीत Ex: The admirable order God has placed in the universe स्तुति योग्य Ex: The arrangement of bones is an admirable thing स्तुत्य Ex: The composition of the human body is admirable उ: इसकी कुछ उपलब्धियाँ है जो स्तुत्य और अभिनंदनीय हैं। स्तुषेय्य Ex: The first page of this speech is admirable स्तोत्रार्ह Ex: The lake water is of admirable clarity
Other : गुणवंत Ex: Hegel praises Aristotle's On the Soul as "by far the most admirable
ExamplesAdmirable synonyms
unreal praiseworthy valuable wonderful exquisite excellent commendable laudable attractive ace choice cool crackerjack deserving dream estimable fine good keen meritorious neat out of sight out of this world peachy rare solid super superior wicked a-1 a-ok best ever copacetic greatest hunky dory meritable super-duper zero cool cat's pajamas Admirable antonyms
unimportant unworthy imperfect contemptible despicable detestable hateful loathsome repugnant repulsive shameful poor bad inferior ugly Usage of Admirable in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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