Adumbration meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Adumbration
As noun : छायांकन उ:   हरा पृष्ठभूमि छायांकन उपस्थिति रिकॉर्ड संकेत करता है।
दिग्दर्शन पूर्वाभास उ:   इसे पूर्वाभास भी माना जा सकता है जो मुक्त नहीं हुआ। रूपरेखा उ:   समय उसकी रूपरेखा तैयार कर चुका था। संविध्
Other : छाया उ:   राजा और छाया प्यार में पड़ते हैं और शादी करने का फैसला करते हैं। झलक उ:   इनसे कुशाण काल से मध्यकाल के भारत की सांस्कृतिक झलक मिलती है। रुपरेखा
Adumbration ki paribhasha : vah jo kuchh udaaharan svaroop dikhalaaya jaay vah saadhaaran gyaan jo pahale hi praapt ho jaay
Adumbration synonyms
insignia banner symbol trademark coat of arms flag logo motto badge image memento reminder hallmark attribute colors design seal colophon character identification regalia brand impress standard device medal monogram scepter type miniature token pennant marker allegory allusion analogy anticlimax antithesis bathos comparison conceit euphemism euphuism exaggeration expression flourish flower hyperbole imagery irony metaphor ornament parable paradox parallel personification rhetoric sarcasm satire simile analogue understatement alliteration anaphora antistrophe aposiopesis apostrophe asyndeton communication that is not meant literally stylistic device echoism ellipsis litotes malapropism manner of speaking metonymy onomatopoeia oxymoron proteron synecdoche trope tropology turn of phrase way of speaking impression reference taste whisper idea evidence warning scent information wrinkle tip suspicion trace whiff advice clue mention announcement intimation inkling symptom wink implication tinge notion connotation inference insinuation signification pointer help telltale lead print denotation iota tip-off notice observation omen innuendo smattering glimmering flea in ear word to wise signal suggestion manifestation explanation gesture proof pledge show augury portent index attestation note cue prolegomenon forewarning prognostic nod auspice earnest preamble vestige wind significant signifier prefiguration indicia news leak discovery divination publication proclamation flash exposition exhibition exposure exposã© showing betrayal break prophecy inspiration scoop broadcasting oracle apocalypse display vision epiphany earful expose unveiling divulgement foreshadowing uncovering blow by blow eye-opener lightning bolt the latest unearthing darkness dusk screen shadiness umbrage blackness coolness obscurity shadows penumbra semidarkness gloominess obscuration shelter protection dimness blueprint picture account copy likeness description chart vignette summary depiction version illustration portrayal piece painting cartoon compendium survey doodle monograph diagram syllabus shape draft report rough configuration skeleton digest delineation prã©cis aperã§u impersonation enactment delegation duplicate imitation reproduction narration
Adumbration antonyms
information heedlessness lot neglect misinformation concealment quiet secret cover hiding gap light lightness brightness difference original
Usage of Adumbration in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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