Advertising meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Advertising
As noun : ऐंडवर्टिजमेंट Ex:  , an advertising executive with the Chicago firm of Aubrey, Moore, and Wallace
विज्ञापन (देना Ex:  There are also many advertising newspapers, such as The Quokka. विज्ञापन की प्रणाली Ex:  This model of selling keyword advertising was pioneered by Goto. विज्ञापन Ex:  The advertising industry has denied any other use of these profiles. उ:   अब तक, उसने पचास से अधिक विज्ञापन किए हैं। सूचनापत्र Ex:  Emotional appeals are commonly found in advertising
Other : इश्तहारबाज़ी Ex:  With competition growing stiffer,new methods of advertising are being used. विज्ञापन देना Ex:  At this time, advertising companies were already using third-party cookies.
Advertising ki paribhasha : kisi kaam ko chalaana kisi baat ko batalaane ya jatalaane ki kriya
Advertising synonyms
pitch buildup announcement proclamation spread exposition exhibition hoopla publicity posting plug ballyhoo broadcasting hype puff promotion hard sell screamer squib displaying pr billing promoting blasting exhibiting announcing
Advertising antonyms
Usage of Advertising in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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