Advocacy meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Advocacy
As noun : अधिवक्तृता Ex:  He is famous for his advocacy of antinuclear organizations.
अधिवाचक Ex:  He has taken up advocacy as his job and is a famous advocate in the High court. पक्ष का समर्थन Ex:  The advocacy model is often recommended पक्ष समर्थन Ex:  Widely persecuted for her advocacy of anarchism and opposition to World War I पक्षपोषण Ex:  It also said the Rhetoricians advocacy component to defendants who read them in court पक्षसमर्थन Ex:  It also says a public discourse, such as a sermon, a speech, an advocacy बारिस्टरी Ex:  Stuff a speech, an advocacy quotes वकालत उ:   शुरू में तो वकालत ठीक नहीं चली। वकीली हिमायत
Other : रक्षा उ:   आप इसकी रक्षा न करें। सिफारिश उ:   इसे पूर्वी उत्तर प्रदेश और नेपाल में भी उगाने की सिफारिश की गई है।
Advocacy ki paribhasha : aapaatti, kasht ya naash aadi se bachaana kisi ke dosh kshama karane ke liye kisi se kahana sunana yah nishchay karana ki amuk baat uchit hai ya anuchit nirvaah kisi vishay ko siddh karane ke liye uttar pratyuttar ke saath baatachit doosare ke sthaanaapann hokar kaam karana
Advocacy synonyms
backing assistance advancement justification promulgation encouragement propagation defense recommendation aid promotion proposal urging campaigning for championing pleading for upholding
Advocacy antonyms
stoppage protest discouragement attack opposition
Usage of Advocacy in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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