Affinity meaning in hindi
As noun : अकरखन Ex: I share a special affinity with her.
अजीजदारी Ex: Tate expressed an affinity for her character अनभिषंग Ex: Relevant to its affinity for these materials असंजोग Ex: This affinity is shown in the region's cuisine आकर्षण Ex: Ghazals have a classical affinity with Sufism उ: यहां कई पर्यटक आकर्षण हैं। आसग Ex: The two developed a warm affinity आसदन Ex: The area has also shown an unusual affinity for certain artists. इखलास Ex: An antibody's binding affinity to its target is extraordinarily high. इजाफत Ex: Suharto had no affinity to Sukarno इमसाक Ex: He married my sister, he affinity between them he and I इलहाक Ex: The affinity of the उपसत्ति Ex: There is an affinity between poetry and painting कराबत Ex: There was a great affinity between them कराबतदारी Ex: These two words have a lot of affinity कामनीय, कामनीयक Ex: This said as a spiritual affinity कार्षि Ex: The various degrees of affinity खानापीना छुवाव ताल्लुकात प्रत्यासंग प्रविकर्षण भ्रातृभाव रिश्तेदारी लगालगी वावस्तगी विवाह द्वारा सम्बन्ध संबंध उ: केरल-मद्रास का संबंध इसी दर्रे से है। संसंग सनमंध सन्निबध समंचन सम्बन्ध निकटमता सम्बन्ध उ: भागीरथी नदी के सम्बन्ध में एक कथा विश्वविख्यात है। सांहत्य
Other : बन्धुत्व मिलनसारिता रिश्ता उ: लेकिन यह रिश्ता कई लोगों को अच्छा नहीं लगता है। सादृश्य उ: तथापि यथोचित स्थिर आरंभस्थान लेने से यह सादृश्य लगभग आ जाता है।
Affinity ki paribhasha : kisi vastu ka doosari vastu ke paas usaki shakti ya prerana se laaya jaana
ExamplesAffinity synonyms
weakness closeness rapport sympathy fondness leaning affection partiality attraction compatibility cotton cup of tea druthers good vibrations same wavelength simpatico resemblance kinship correspondence similitude likeness relationship alikeness connection alliance analogy association Affinity antonyms
dislike hate hatred dissimilarity unlikeness antagonism disunion separation difference disagreement Usage of Affinity in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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