Affirmative meaning in hindi
As noun : अथकिम् Ex:  He did not give an affirmative reply as we had expected.
आम् Ex:  My manager's response was in the affirmative . सकारात्मक Ex:  Most of the affirmative votes came from ten counties in the Wheeling area. उ: नेहम की सकारात्मक समीक्षा हुई। स्वीकारोक्ति Ex:  In the affirmative हाँ Ex:  Negative particle, which is opposed to affirmative particle Yes उ: उसी समय योग बल से महर्षि राघानन्द हाँ प्रकट हुये।
As adjective : अस्तिवाचक Ex:  he answered in the affirmative स्वीकार सूचक शब्द जैसे हाँ Ex:  "Urah!" is usually either a reply in the affirmative to a question स्वीकार सूचक शब्द जैसे हां Ex:  " is usually either a reply in the affirmative to a question स्वीकार सूचक Ex:  Gesture affirmative स्वीकारात्मक Ex:  In Latin, two negatives make an affirmative उ: यह स्वीकारात्मक शिक्षण का स्थानान्तरण है। स्वीकृतिपरक Ex:  It is a strong man affirmative हाँ प्रकट करने वाला Ex:  It is sometimes used in everyday language, and serve as affirmative Just, that's even हां प्रकट करने वाला Ex:  One supported the affirmative and the other negative
Other : इकरारी Ex:  " "Is affirmative action right or wrong?
Affirmative ki paribhasha : vah kathan ya bayaan jisamen apana aparaadh svikaar kiya jaay vah shabd jisake dvaara yah prakat kiya jaata hai ki ham yah baat karane ko tauyaar hain
ExamplesAffirmative synonyms
supporting positive corroborative favorable acquiescent affirmatory approving acknowledging affirming complying concurring confirmative confirmatory confirming consenting endorsing ratifying Affirmative antonyms
negative dissenting Usage of Affirmative in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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