Affliction meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Affliction
As noun : अंदोह Ex:  He says that the philosopher cures the mind of its worst affliction
अमानस्य Ex:  Serena prays to remove Bess's affliction . असुख Ex:  Troilus suffered affliction and grief. आदीनव Ex:  Beseech God in his affliction आरिजा Ex:  By extension, Consoling pain, someone's affliction आर्ति Ex:  Causing great pain, extreme affliction उपतप्ता Ex:  Far affliction कढ़िलना Ex:  Great, extreme affliction कोफर Ex:  In this affliction it did not receive human comfort झंजार Ex:  It has more of a subject of affliction तातक्ष Ex:  It is in affliction, in the deepest affliction तिहा Ex:  It is sometimes used figuratively and signifies Cause extreme pain, extreme affliction तुद Ex:  It means figuratively Who causes pain, sorrow, affliction दुःख Ex:  It still means Consoler in affliction उ:   उन्होंने लोगों के दुःख व कष्टों का निवारण किया । दुक्ख Ex:  Relieve someone in his affliction by speeches, by care, or in any other manner whatsoever दुष्ख Ex:  The time has tempered his pain, his affliction दुष्ष Ex:  This caused him a fatal affliction नाचाकी Ex:  This news has filled our hearts with sadness, filled our house of mourning, affliction पर्युत्सुकत्व Ex:  Who upsets, causing a sharp and deep affliction पीड़ाकरण Ex:  Wipe someone crying, consoling her affliction प्रैष Ex:  , Dry tears, crying, Halt affliction बंकम Ex:  , Everyone carries his cross in this world, There is nobody who has his particular affliction बालरोग Ex:  , See something of a Dry eye, see grieve without something that is unique to cause affliction बिरोग ‡ Ex:  être in pain, to suffer affliction बिसमौ Ex:  It also means this violent state of mind caused by an affliction that does not seek to overcome भुंजष्य Ex:  The slightest affliction the blind मोह उ:   वह एक ओर अखंड है, किंतु मोह के द्वारा वह ढकी रहती है। रंजूरी रुक् रोग उ:   रोग दूर करने में प्रकृति की शक्ति ही मुख्य है। रोवनी, धोवनी विकृती विप्रधर्ष विराधान विसमाद विहेठ वैचिञ्य वैचित्य व्यापद् व्याबाध व्यावाध श्रांति श्र्वग्रह श्वयीची स्तनयित्नु स्नेहु स्पर्ष्टा हृल्लेखा पीड़ा
Other : आतुरता Ex:  An affliction that nothing could console उत्ताप Ex:  Deep affliction कलेस Ex:  I take part in the loss you have done, says a person who has lost a relative or friend, to show him that one sympathizes with his sentence , we share his affliction कष्ट Ex:  If despair sometimes means trouble, fussing with great demonstrations of pain, affliction उ:   कष्ट उठा लेते थे पर कहते नहीं थे। क्लेश Ex:  It can not recover from his affliction तपिश Ex:  It is a great addition affliction to him that the illness of his son ताप Ex:  It is sometimes said of accidents, the same misfortunes that are a cause of affliction उ:   ताप उबलने के ताप से नीचा है। दर्द Ex:  It means Most commonly Great affliction of mind mingled with deep concern उ:   'अगर दर्द यहां मिला है तो दवा भी यहीं मिलेगी। परिताप Ex:  What you said has redoubled his affliction बला Ex:  , Mixing his tears with those of someone crying with him, share his affliction उ:   किसान वर्ग अपनी फसल बला चौर की अनाज मंडी मे लाकर बेचते है। मनोव्यथा मनोव्याधि मुसीबत वबाल विपत्ति उ:   उसके थपेड़े में जो फँस गया, वह विपत्ति की ओर बढ़ता ही जाता है। विपद व्यथा उ:   यह व्यथा धर्म के वर-समान, सुख-सहित, मौन सहने की है। साँसत
Affliction ki paribhasha : isht ke naash aur anisht ki prapti se utpann manovikaar duःkh ya kasht aadi ka honevaala anubhav virah ya kaam adi ke kaaran sharir men kisi prakaar rog hona jo kramashaः buri haalat ko pahuancha ho vah avastha jisase sharir achchhi tarah na chale aur jisake badhane par jivan men sndeh ho aisa avastha jisase chhutakaara paane ki ichchha praaniyon men svaabhaavik ho kisi prakaar ka duःkh pahuanchaane ka bhaav
Affliction synonyms
illness pain hardship sickness scourge disease calamity suffering misery woe torment disorder infirmity crux misfortune distress difficulty sorrow ordeal cross grief trial tribulation depression plague trouble anguish plight adversity
Affliction antonyms
health happiness joy advantage profit boon delight good luck calm contentment encouragement aid consolation relief good health well-being comfort cheer pleasure benefit blessing good fortune peace help
Usage of Affliction in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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