Affray meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Affray
As noun : ग्रामयुद्ध
चपकलश चाचर, चाचरि दंगा उ:   ऐसे पाठ संदेश और ई-मेल की मात्र भी दंगा के दौर में बढ़ गई थी। द‌ंगा धौलधक्कड़ धौलधप्पड़
Affray synonyms
disturbance riot clash melee brawl ruckus scuffle skirmish assault altercation fracas battle attack encounter quarrel donnybrook
Affray antonyms
calm truce surrender peace agreement harmony retreat
Usage of Affray in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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