Affronted meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Affronted
As adjective : अपमानित उ:   इनती सेवा करने पर भी उनको अपमानित किया जाता था।
आत्तगंध आनादरित उदस्त गंजित बलिष्णु सनिकार
Affronted synonyms
annoy criticize pique slight taunt displease slander vex face offend anger abuse confront outrage meet provoke encounter give the cold shoulder put down dispraise dump on give a zinger hit where one lives
Affronted antonyms
aid soothe compliment praise delight respect calm retreat avoid appease assuage gratify mollify placate make happy please approve flatter help satisfy
Usage of Affronted in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi 
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