Agile meaning in hindi
As adjective : चटुलोल, चटुल्लोल Ex: Young Link is more agile but weaker than the older Link.
चपल Ex: She was also very agile and athletic उ: जिसे कोल्हापुरी चपल ही कहा जाता है। चाँपर Ex: Tidus can use time-altering magic and accurately strike agile enemies चासू Ex: agile and dance Troupe चिलबिला, चिबिल्ला Ex: He thought of Dogs for which this operation was done to make them, it was believed, more agile in the race चुस्त Ex: In agile manner उ: बचपन से ही वह काफ़ी चुस्त थी और लड़कों के साथ हॉकी खेलती थी। चोँचाल Ex: It also means Who is refreshed and agile छटपट Ex: It also means Who moves with difficulty, with efforts; and then he opposed Flexible, agile टिपटाप Ex: It means figuratively Making more flexible, more agile तरस्वी Ex: The tiger, monkey, cats are agile animals strong तरायल Ex: This woman is very nimble, they say she is very agile in his actions and in his speeches तारल Ex: Which of the two genres is quick, nimble, agile तुर्वाणि तूर्णि तूर्वयाण तेज़ फुर्तीला उ: एमू एक भारी, किन्तु बड़ा फुर्तीला पक्षी है। बिलोल बीभंग भिंभर मुस्तैद लबलहका विखेद सफुर्तिमान सरभस स्फूर्तिमान्
Other : फुरतीला स्फूर्तिमान
Agile ki paribhasha : jisamen kisi kaam ko chatapat sugamataapoorvak karane ki shakti ho jo kisi kaary ke liye tatpar ho jahaaj ka vah bhaag jo adar ki or jhuka ho ek prakaar ka chooha
ExamplesAgile synonyms
rapid energetic frisky limber athletic buoyant spirited lithe lively sprightly quick sharp supple active acute alert brisk clever dexterous fleet mercurial prompt quick-witted ready sportive spry stirring swift vigorous vivacious zippy winged bustling easy-moving quick on the draw quick on the trigger twinkle toes Agile antonyms
inactive lazy lethargic sluggish rigid apathetic dispirited ignorant stupid clumsy slow lifeless depressed down stiff dull brittle Usage of Agile in sentences
The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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