Agility meaning in hindi
As noun : तुर्ण Ex: This is a wonderful acrobatic agility
फुर्ती उ: उनमे बचपन में ही चीते जैसी फुर्ती थी। सतेस
Other : चटक Ex: We thrilled at the agility of the dancers . चपलता Ex: Despite its reputation among professionals for lacking speed and agility चुस्ती Ex: Skipping a person rises or turns on itself with agility झपाक Ex: Small quadruped family of rodents living in wood, endowed with extreme agility and remarkable by its bushy tail plume that rises in झपाका Ex: The agility of the fingers of a pianist फुरती Ex: , do have more legs than fifteen years, not having the strength, agility of youth लप स्फूर्ति
Agility ki paribhasha : vichaar aadi man men phurana ya uday hona
ExamplesAgility synonyms
quickness cleverness sharpness swiftness dexterity celerity sprightliness adroitness expedition fleetness dispatch liveliness alacrity suppleness friskiness acuteness promptness activity alertness litheness promptitude briskness quickwittedness spryness Agility antonyms
clumsiness stiffness slowness sluggishness slowing Usage of Agility in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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