Agriculture meaning in hindi
As noun : करसण Ex:  farmer works for agriculture
किरिसी Ex:  While agriculture continues to be the state's dominant industry किर्षि Ex:  North Carolina has grown to become a national leader in agriculture कृषि उद्योग Ex:  EU agriculture subsidies to France total almost $14 billion. कृषि वर्ग Ex:  The agriculture products of the state are beef कृषि विभाग Ex:  The aimags are: Mongolia's economy is centered on agriculture and mining. कृषि Ex:  There is very little manufacturing, and agriculture is largely undeveloped. उ: कृषि हिमाचल प्रदेश का प्रमुख व्यवसाय है। क्रिखी Ex:  Indian agriculture is heavily dependent on the monsoon as a source of water. खेतीबाङी Ex:  Slave labor was increasingly used profitably not only in agriculture हलि Ex:  Major economic sectors in Europe include agriculture
Other : कृषीय Ex:  No-till agriculture has many advantages खेत जोतने का काम Ex:  The discovery of agriculture allowed for the feeding of larger populations खेती Ex:  This is followed by industry and agriculture . उ: इसकी खेती कि लिये बड़ा परिश्रम अपेक्षित है। खेती{कृषि} Ex:  Bhutan's economy is based on agriculture खेतीबाड़ी Ex:  Most of these lands are thus not used for agriculture
Agriculture ki paribhasha : khet men anaaj bone ka kaary
ExamplesUsage of Agriculture in sentences
The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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