Aid meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Aid
As noun : आग्रहिका Ex:  cowardly dogs, ye will not aid me then
इंस्ट्रूमेंट Ex:  Japan gave an aid of $1.million to Turkeys earthquake victims. उपकारण Ex:  More than ten truckloads of aid were donated by Shanghai's citizens. एड Ex:  However, the foreign aid that Chiang tried to canvass for did not arrive उ:   इनकी नियुंतम योग्यता इण्टर मिडीएट रखी गई लेकिन बी एड को वरीयता दी गई। कुमकु Ex:  The Bahamas required $435,000 in aid following the storm तवस्सल Ex:  The UN also helps Afghans in need of help by providing aid पड़पण Ex:  Most of the aid money given to Haiti was spent improperly. पृष्ठपोषण Ex:  Some French-Canadian nationalists felt that no aid should be sent प्रस्कुंद Ex:  He also agreed to aid the Swedes with financial subsidies. फलसाधन Ex:  Nonetheless, some of her most significant aid came from women. बाउंटी Ex:  1947. The Marshall Plan offered the same aid to Japan and its allies मदद Ex:  To aid in reliability उ:   गोन्डोर ने रोहान से मदद पहले से ही मांगी हुई थी। मद्दत, मद्दति Ex:  Sri Lanka reported that it had received no foreign government aid रिलीफ Ex:  Western aid quickly replaced Soviet support लोकवर्तन Ex:  The European Community humanitarian aid office श्रुष्टि Ex:  Seeking arms and aid from India सहाइ Ex:  The International Monetary Fund later suspended aid सहायता Ex:  Principal aid donors are Australia उ:   कुलशेखर की सहायता चोलों ने की। सहाय्य Ex:  But Allah doth support with His aid whom He pleaseth. सहावत Ex:  Financial aid packages are available सह्यकर्म Ex:  In addition to food aid साति Ex:  Lesotho has received economic aid from a variety of sources साधन Ex:  He also enlisted the aid of the United States उ:   उसके साधन भी तो सीमित थे। साधनक Ex:  The benefits of this aid have been mixed. सानाथ्य Ex:  The election of a bishop did not aid much साहायक Ex:  Mercantilism focused on how this trade could best aid the states. साह्य Ex:  Carter echoed Mobutu's charges of Soviet and Cuban aid to the rebels हथकड़ा Ex:  Much of this was made possible through US economic aid
As verb : मदद करना Ex:  Originally the total American aid to Germany had to be repaid.
Other : इमदाद Ex:  She aid her job professionally. कुमक Ex:  The Soviet Red Army was never able to aid the new Hungarian republic. रक्षा Ex:  There had been reports and rumors that the local aid workers had been killed. उ:   और वे जनाता की रक्षा भी करते थे। सहायता देना Ex:  To aid navigation, Jamaica operates nine lighthouses. सहारा Ex:  Cameroon turned to foreign aid उ:   सहारा वन एक हिन्दी टी वी चैनल है। साहाय्य देना Ex:  They also at first offered only $2 million in aid साहाय्य Ex:  Egypt and with the aid of American ships, succeeded in capturing Derna. साह्म Ex:  With the aid of Egypt
Aid ki paribhasha : vah chhoti nadi jo kisi badi nadi men milati ho bhojan vastr aadi dekar jivanaraksha aapaatti, kasht ya naash aadi se bachaana kisi ke kaaryasnpaadan men shaaririk ya aur kisi prakaar yog dena pretaadi aatmaaon ko bulaane ya vashibhoot karanevaala
Usage of Aid in sentences

The word can be used as noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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