Aircraft meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Aircraft
As noun : एक प्रकार का हवाई जहाज या गुब्बारा Ex:  An aircraft crashed killing all people aboard.
विमान या वायुयान Ex:  Fixed-wing aircraft are called airplanes in North America
Other : उड़ाना Ex:  The aircraft circled the airport before landing. वायुयान Ex:  Some types of aircraft उ:   इससे उतरते समय वायुयान को स्वतः संकेत मिलेगा। विमान Ex:  It also embraces "variable geometry" aircraft उ:   विमान इस शैली की प्रमुख विशेषता होती है। हवाई जहाज़ Ex:  Leonardo da Vinci drew an aircraft in the 15th century.
Aircraft synonyms
helicopter balloon jet dirigible ufo blimp flying machine flying saucer airliner chopper airship zeppelin
Usage of Aircraft in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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