Airship meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Airship
As noun : एक प्रकार का हवाई जहाज या गुब्बारा Ex:  An airship show was held in France recently.
वायुपोत Ex:  The main types of airship are Non-rigid airships उ:   इस श्रेणी के सबसे प्रसिद्ध वायुपोत जर्मनी की ज़ॅपलिन कंपनी ने बनाये। हवाई पोत Ex:  Using radar, the airship located a surfaced German submarine.
Other : वायुयान Ex:  Many airship pioneers उ:   यह भारतीय नौसेना का प्रथम वायुयान वाहक पोत है।
Airship synonyms
helicopter jet dirigible ufo blimp flying machine flying saucer airliner chopper zeppelin cab ship crate airbus kite ramjet aeroplane bladder bird twin-engine
Usage of Airship in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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