Alacrity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Alacrity
As noun : आमादगी Ex:  he accepted with alacrity
उलाह Ex:  Acting with alacrity क्षिप्रता जोश उ:   झुंझुनूं का नाम लेते ही मन जोश एवं श्रद्धा से भर जाता है। जोशिश ठपाक तत्परता उ:   संस्कृतभारती तत्परता से संस्कृत को समर्पित कार्य कर रही है। परिश्रृत मुस्तैदी संत्वरा हुलस
Alacrity ki paribhasha : vah prasannata jo kisi aanevaale sukh ko sochakar hoti hai aur manushy ko kaary men pravratt karati hai kisi taral padaarth ka aaanch ya garami ke kaaran ubalana
Alacrity synonyms
readiness eagerness willingness quickness sprightliness expedition gaiety dispatch zeal hilarity fervor avidity enthusiasm speed cheerfulness alertness joyousness promptitude briskness
Alacrity antonyms
apathy sadness indifference lethargy coolness aversion disinclination reluctance unwillingness discouragement slowing dullness slowness
Usage of Alacrity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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