Alarmed meaning in hindi
As verb : अतंका Ex:  I was alarmed by the way the news spread.
आगतसाध्वस Ex:  Richelieu, alarmed by Ferdinand's influence, incited Sweden to attack. कांदिशीक Ex:  Antony was alarmed by a talk he had with a Senator named Casca डरानी Ex:  The people most alarmed by this order were the Banyamulenge of eastern Congo. भयभीत Ex:  A case that has particularly alarmed conservationists is that of primates. उ: यह सुन कर बाणासुर भयभीत हो गया। भयविप्लुत, भयविह्वल Ex:  I am not alarmed by these transferences भयातुर Ex:  Do not be alarmed by all these false rumors भौमूती ‡ Ex:  His conscience is alarmed at the slightest peccadillo वहशतजदा Ex:  It was very alarmed at this new विभीषा Ex:  The whole camp was alarmed संचकित संत्रासन सकोतर ससाध्वस साध्वसविप्लुत साशंक हौलजदा ह्रीकु ह्लीकु
As adjective : अप्रमत्त Ex:  The neighborhood was alarmed by the increase in the incidents of house breaking. प्रणिहित Ex:  Being alarmed at the departure of Muslims यत्त Ex:  His illness has alarmed us संयत्त सतर्क उ: वे सतर्क सिद्धांत लेने की प्रतिबद्धता पर भी हिमायत करता है। सहस्त्राक्ष सावचेत ‡
Other : आशंकित Ex:  These desertions alarmed Gaddafi चकित Ex:  Even General Patton was alarmed and उ: आँखें उसकी चकित हिरणी जैसी हैं। भौंचक्क Ex:  From alarmed शंकित उ: इससे कुछ शासक शंकित भी हुए। संत्रस्त
ExamplesUsage of Alarmed in sentences
The word can be used as verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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