All by myself meaning in hindi

How to pronounce All by myself
As noun : अकलैमूल Ex:  I did it all by myself .
अकसरुआ Ex:  I've tried to handle it all by myself and I just can't get the job done. अकेला उ:   बाद में राज और उसके दोस्त रोहित एक दिन अकेला देखकर हमला करते हैं। अयुज इकलो एकलड़ीपु एकौझा एकौसा ऐकत छायाद्वितीय धंधार पृथक्चर मुजर्रद मुफरद विरहविधुर सुविविक्त
All by myself ki paribhasha : jisake saath koi na ho bina saathi ka
Usage of All by myself in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi. 
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