All over meaning in hindi

How to pronounce All over
As noun : कार्य समापन Ex:  The film director was celebrated all over Hollywood
कार्य सिद्धि Ex:  The baby had slobbered all over her bib. चहुँओर से Ex:  Sewage from all over the city conglomerated in this big tank. चहुँओर Ex:  the wallpaper was covered all over with flowers उ:   जब यह खबर पंचायत के पास पहुंची तो चहुँओर मातम छा गया। विश्वथा Ex:  The bridges that he designed were constructed all over the world. सभी तरफ़ से Ex:  To this end, Yam waystations were established all over the empire. सभी तरफ़ Ex:  Vivaldi wrote several operas that were performed all over Italy. सरबत्तर, सरबत्तरि Ex:  While similar conflicts among social classes may be found all over Europe सर्वत्र Ex:  Xerxes I spent three years amassing supplies from all over Asia उ:   सर्वत्र श्रीहीनता प्रतीत होती है।
As adverb : सभी जगह Ex:  Belgrade is home to many ethnicities from all over the former Yugoslavia हर जगह Ex:  Modern and Post-Modern constructions can be found all over the city.
Other : सरापा Ex:  Vice-President and Prime Minister all over India. सर्वांग Ex:  Figs and dates were eaten all over Europe
All over synonyms
sympathetic friendly warm warmhearted loving dear devoted doting fond kind mushy partial tender caring attached crazy over huggy lovey-dovey nutty about soft on in any place in whatever place wherever any which way encompassing neighboring in the vicinity in this area sweeping perfect full entire realized executed down ended accomplished consummate all-inclusive full-fledged plenary effected terminated achieved concluded compassed attained all over but the shouting all-embracing done with fini finished off home free that's it exhausted set depleted wrought drained perfected completed wired rendered spent fulfilled fixed effete performed succeeded consummated a wrap all in brought about brought to pass buttoned up used up omnipresent far and wide here and there high and low all around all over creation all over the map here till sunday in all quarters in each place in every direction in every place inside and out near and far pole to pole the world over ubiquitously chiefly largely mainly mostly primarily principally everyplace generally speaking in the long run on the whole predominantly completely during all the time all through at full length every bit far and near for the duration from beginning to end from end to end from one end to the other from start to finish from the start from the word go in all respects in everything on all accounts right through the whole time through the whole of to the end up and down always globally without exception pervasive all-over ubiquitary wall-to-wall prevalent broad unlimited common comprehensive extensive catholic cosmopolitan generic empyrean regular total accepted astronomical celestial cosmic customary diffuse ecumenical multinational mundane planetary stellar terrestrial undisputed unrestricted usual widespread worldly worldwide
All over antonyms
uncaring unfeeling unfriendly unsociable aloof antagonistic undemonstrative cold cool disliking incomplete unfinished defective deficient imperfect lacking missing needy wanting part short lively indefinite unperfected vetoed saved unused unfixed unfulfilled undone rare raw denied nowhere narrow especially sometimes specifically scarce restricted exclusive individual abnormal extraordinary unusual confined local limited uncommon particular partial infrequent
Usage of All over in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb, noun in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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