All the time meaning in hindi
As noun : दवाम Ex: You're always arguing! Stop arguing all the time .
दाइम Ex: Bakshi is quoted as saying "I get emails from new fans all the time on it. दिनरैन Ex: Soon I was praying for crowd-shooting all the time . नित्ति, नित्तु Ex: By extension, we galloped all the time travel निशिवासर Ex: C ' is an unwelcome boost that comes to me all the time शश्वत् Ex: , Forever, in all the time to come सनात् हमेशा उ: वह हमेशा ठगी के लिए शहर बदलता रहता था। हमेस, हमेसा
As adverb : पूरे समय Ex: LIFE also said all the time space s 'flows from birth to death
Other : उठना Ex: Amoebas are found in water or soil and all the time changes shape.
ExamplesAll the time synonyms
constantly eternally incessantly perpetually interminably regularly endlessly everlastingly unendingly unremittingly around completely during everywhere far and wide over overall high and low all over all through at full length every bit everyplace far and near for the duration from beginning to end from end to end from one end to the other from start to finish from the start from the word go in all respects in every place in everything inside and out on all accounts right through the whole time through the whole of to the end up and down at all hours round the clock All the time antonyms
brief never temporary ceasing ending Usage of All the time in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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