Alloy meaning in hindi
As noun : कुधातु Ex: In 1924 a 1:1 ratio Ni/Si alloy was produced
खोट धातु Ex: A well known alloy used in the automotive industry is 'LDM C673' घटिया कर देना Ex: There are also wheels moulded in one piece from aluminium alloy धातुमिश्रण करना Ex: Ticonal magnets are an alloy of titanium मिलौनी करना Ex: Copper alloy and zinc often called Brass मिश्र धातु Ex: In terms of archeology, it means the Pure copper and copper alloy मिश्रधातु Ex: It also means Clear gold silver alloy therein as उ: ताँबे और राँगे की मिश्रधातु को 'फूल' भी कहते हैं। मिश्रातु Ex: Make an alloy
As verb : मिलवना Ex: Shape memory alloy is used for applications such as pipes मिलाना Ex: The electrode used in GTAW is made of tungsten or a tungsten alloy उ: मिट्टी में खादें मिलाना अति आवश्यक होता है। मेरवना Ex: Pull all the end which is contained in an alloy मेराना Ex: Silver and copper are used as alloy of gold मेलना Ex: The coin should be the alloy of the laws and regulations
Other : अष्टधातु Ex: brass is an alloy of zinc and copper उ: मंदिर राधा कृष्ण की अष्टधातु की मूर्ति है। खोट Ex: In the 1980s aluminium alloy frames became popular झूठा Ex: Most American and European gold jewellery is made of an alloy of gold मिलावट Ex: Brass or Brass, copper alloy and zinc मिलौनी Ex: From the gold alloy without
Alloy ki paribhasha : musalamaanon men vivaah ki ek rasm jisamen baraatiyon aadi ko kuchh nakad ya vastuean bhent ki jaati hain kisi uttam vastu men nikrasht vastu ki milaavat do ya adhik padaarthon ki ek men milaane ki kriya ek padaarth men doosara padaarth dalana
ExamplesAlloy synonyms
adulteration amalgamation combination composite adulterant hybrid reduction debasement fusion compound admixture blend denaturant intermixture amalgamate fuse combine reduce devalue impair diminish denature Alloy antonyms
separation division detach disconnect purify clean divide separate clear unmix not mix praise upgrade grow increase expand extend Usage of Alloy in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun or verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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