Amazed meaning in hindi
As noun : आश्चर्यचकित Ex:  Everyone was amazed उ: ब्राह्मण आश्चर्यचकित रह गया।
विलक्षित Ex:  state of one who is amazed विस्मयाहत Ex:  They were all amazed
As verb : अचम्भित Ex:  She maintained an amazed silence today.
Other : चकित Ex:  He amazed his reasoning उ: उस परिषद् में उनके विचार सुनकर सभी विद्वान चकित हो गये। भौंचक्का Ex:  He was amazed भौचक्का Ex:  I am amazed विचकित Ex:  I stood amazed विस्मित Ex:  This amazed everyone सचकित Ex:  When you will be made aware of all the circumstances, you will not be amazed हैरान Ex:  , eyes wide open, be amazed उ: सोये हुए अफगानियों पर अचानक हमले ने दुश्मन को हैरान कर दिया था।
ExamplesAmazed synonyms
perplex bewilder stun alarm shock impress astound stagger startle astonish daze affect flabbergast dumbfound strike touch move electrify stupefy bowl over blow away put one away blow one's mind Amazed antonyms
explain calm clear up bore expect Usage of Amazed in sentences
The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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