Ambiguous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Ambiguous
As noun : अमूझा Ex:  This boundary definition can be ambiguous
अस्पष्ट Ex:  "yesterday" and "tomorrow" become ambiguous during the night. उ:   मंदिर का इतिहास अस्पष्ट है। गोमगा Ex:  Although IFA can be used to confirm infection in these ambiguous cases छायावेष्टित Ex:  Drummond and Cauty also asserted that 'Eternity' was the author of an ambiguous धुमैली Ex:  An ambiguous expressed a meal that served both the meat and dessert म्लिष्ट Ex:  By extension, an ambiguous man, a man to whom one can not rely विजल्पित Ex:  It hides in ambiguous in subtleties, to escape the truth that the press संदिग्घ Ex:  Response ambiguous संदेह जनक Ex:  The oracles were often ambiguous
As adjective : अनेकार्थी Ex:  sexually ambiguous उ:   प्राचीन भारतीय वांङमय में गण शब्द का उल्लेख अनेकार्थी है। दुविधापूर्ण Ex:  With its possibly ambiguous content and powerful narrative technique द्वयार्थी Ex:  In biology the term "race" is very rarely used because it is ambiguous विचरित Ex:  Character ambiguous विचिकित्सित Ex:  It also means Explain what is obscure and ambiguous in writing, in law, in an act विशयी Ex:  Lunch , dinner, dinner served ambiguous श्लेषात्मक Ex:  Norman Response, Response ambiguous उ:   श्लेषात्मक शैली, द्वयर्थक काव्यों में प्राप्त होती है। संकसुक Ex:  oracles of responses were usually ambiguous संदिग्ध Ex:  Speak ambiguous terms उ:   इंस्पेक्टर विजय ने राजा को संदिग्ध माना। संदिग्धार्थ Ex:  state what is ambiguous संदिहान Ex:  Term ambiguity, ambiguous संशयोपेत Ex:  The oracles were usually ambiguous संशायित Ex:  This speech is ambiguous सहृल्लेख Ex:  Way of life ambiguous सांशायिक Ex:  Des ambiguous signs स‌ंदिग्धार्थ
Ambiguous synonyms
enigmatic questionable unclear uncertain puzzling equivocal opaque inconclusive dubious cryptic obscure vague doubtful indefinite indeterminate muddy tenebrous unintelligible inexplicit clear as dishwater enigmatical multivocal polysemous
Ambiguous antonyms
known obvious unquestionable determined unambiguous explicit clear plain certain definite sure understandable lucid
Usage of Ambiguous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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