Ambiguously meaning in hindi
As noun : संदिग्धतः
As adverb :
अनेकार्थी ढंग से Ex:  It speaks, he always answers ambiguously अस्पष्टतः संदिग्ध रुप से
ExamplesAmbiguously synonyms
confusedly illegibly wildly frantically aimlessly brokenly chaotically disconnectedly discontinuously disjointedly drunkenly frenziedly illogically incomprehensibly indistinctly ineptly randomly sloppily spasmodically uncertainly unclearly unintelligibly unrecognizably unsystematically obscurely hazily unsurely dubiously askance suspiciously tentatively distrustfully doubtingly hesitatingly irresolutely problematically questionably undecidedly unsettingly Usage of Ambiguously in sentences
The word is used as adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or adverb in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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