Amble meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Amble
As noun : मंथर गति से चलना
मंथर चाल
As verb : चंक्रमा Ex:  A horse that will amble टहलना Ex:  Horse and medium sized mare that once rode the ladies who would normally amble धीरे धीरे चलना Ex:  Put a horse to amble परिसर्या Ex:  This horse is going to nag, he will amble मटरगश्त सुखपूर्वक चलना हवाखोरी
Amble synonyms
sashay ramble drift wander mosey loiter meander toddle saunter stroll ankle dawdle percolate gander boogie hoof it
Amble antonyms
stay run go direct
Usage of Amble in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as noun, verb or intransitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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