Amenity meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Amenity
As noun : कामनीय, कामनीयक Ex:  A great amenity of manners
मनोहरता Ex:  It is said to similar effect A full style of amenity, the amenity of style, etc मनोहरपन Ex:  The amenity character मनोहारित्व Ex:  The amenity of a home मानोज्ञक Ex:  The man of the amenity, many amenity रमणीयता Ex:  It has no amenity in the character उ:   कुमाऊँ की रमणीयता इस स्थल पर और भी आकर्षक हो जाती है। रमनता सुख सुविधा सुविधा उ:   प्रकाशन की सुविधा मिले तो बीसों उपन्यास छप जाएँ। सौंदर्य, सौंदर्य्य
Amenity ki paribhasha : vah achchha barataav jo keval dikhalaane ke liye kiya jaay tratiyaa, pnchami aur shashthi vibhakti ka chihn
Amenity synonyms
facility comfort improvement convenience enhancement quality luxury advantage service frill merit extravagance superfluity excellence virtue betterment enrichment etiquette amiability gentility suavity agreeableness attention attractiveness mildness refinement courtesy charm affability kindness pleasantness charity geniality gallantry sweetness complaisance gratefulness cordiality politeness enjoyableness delightfulness
Amenity antonyms
hurt injury disadvantage inconvenience misbehavior abomination disruption bad manners disregard aloofness coolness crudeness impoliteness
Usage of Amenity in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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