Ammunition meaning in hindi
As noun : गोला बारुद Ex:  45 ACP ammunition on the Eastern Front, and were simply put in storage.
गोला बारूदअ Ex:  They were supplied no ammunition गोला―बारूद Ex:  The previous standard for ammunition for sniper rifles was 30-06 but the . युद्ध उपकरण या लड़ाई का सामान Ex:  500 rifles and 1,000,000 rounds of ammunition were off shored at Port Elizabeth लड़ाई का सामान् Ex:  Unexploded WWI ammunition लडाई का सामान Ex:  While the ammunition was nominally 4 linjer
Ammunition ki paribhasha : haaki, phutabaal aadi khelon men vah sthaan jahaaan gend pahuancha dene se virodhi paksh ki jit ho jaati hai
ExamplesAmmunition synonyms
armament bomb bullet cartridge rocket materiel missile chemical explosive shell shot fuse grenade charge ball powder round munition shrapnel torpedo gunpowder ammo napalm buckshot confetti cannonball iron rations Usage of Ammunition in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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