Amnesty meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Amnesty
As noun : क्षमादान काल Ex:  He declared an amnesty for past offences
क्षमादाना Ex:  Although most had surrendered during the amnesty of 1947 निर्मुक्ति Ex:  Dos Santos offered an amnesty to UNITA militants on November 11. By December प्राणरक्षा Ex:  John Adams was granted amnesty for his mutiny. उ:   आप मेरी प्राणरक्षा का कोई उपाय बताने की कृपा करें। राज क्षमा Ex:  Although Napoleon III granted an amnesty to all political exiles in 1859 राजक्षमा Ex:  The GSPC rejected the amnesty and has continued to fight विस्मरण Ex:  Accept amnesty सर्वक्षमा Ex:  It was included in the amnesty
Other : राज्य Ex:  2000, having negotiated a special amnesty with the government. उ:   इन महीनों के दौरान राज्य में भारी वर्षा होती है।
Amnesty ki paribhasha : vetravati ya betava nadi ka ek naam adhyaatm va brahmavidya ke atirikt any vidya
Amnesty synonyms
reprieve forgiveness immunity condonation absolution dispensation
Usage of Amnesty in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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