Amok meaning in hindi
As adverb : आवेश में Ex:  Figuratively, he told several people running amok against someone
घातोन्माद में पागल होना
Other : उन्मत्तता से
ExamplesAmok synonyms
screwball nuts psycho berserk amiss batty bonkers chaotic confused cracked crazed defective disordered disorganized erratic insane mad messy out of order screwy touched unbalanced unhinged wacky flipped in a mess in pieces orderless out of whack out to lunch schizo unglued desperately excitedly madly wildly crazily helter-skelter uncontrollably agitatedly franticly hectically hysterically Amok antonyms
calmly Usage of Amok in sentences
The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as, verb, adverb or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning.
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