Amplify meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Amplify
As verb : आतन Ex:  Class B amplifiers only amplify half of the input wave cycle.
आवाज़ बढ़ाना Ex:  The double bass is difficult to amplify in loud concert venue settings कहानी में अतिरिक्त विवरण देना Ex:  It also means extend, amplify परिवर्धित करना Ex:  Load a narrative, a story, a description Add, amplify many फैलाव से वर्णन करना Ex:  Rhetoric Action amplify बढ़ाना{खासकर आवाज़} विपुल करना विपुलन विस्तृत करना
Amplify ki paribhasha : vistaar ya parimaan men adhik karana
Amplify synonyms
magnify augment exaggerate strengthen heighten deepen intensify pyramid develop raise extend up stretch swell lengthen enlarge expatiate add supplement pad widen inflate boost elaborate expand beef up build up flesh out hike up jack up soup up
Amplify antonyms
decrease weaken play down repress compress lessen narrow abridge condense curtail cut shorten subtract simplify summarize halt stop lower diminish reduce contract shrink concentrate abbreviate
Usage of Amplify in sentences

The word is used as verb in english grammar. The word can be used as verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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