Amusement meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Amusement
As noun : आनंद दान Ex:  The mocking bird was a source of amusement to all visitors.
आनन्द Ex:  In Delhi"Appu Ghar" is an amusement park. उ:   डा॰ आनन्द इस बात से उदासी में चले जाते हैं। आसाइश Ex:  Pennsylvania offers a number of notable amusement parks उपयोष Ex:  Helsinki is also the home of the Linnanmäki amusement park खं Ex:  The amusement park Liseberg located in the central part of the city जख Ex:  All you I say is only an amusement जोष Ex:  Skin coltsfoot tales, alluding to an old tale whose heroine is called Peau ass, thought of Small tales invented for the amusement of children ढोँकना Ex:  This ancient Roman saying men in the circus games in Rome, voluntarily or by force fighting for the amusement of spectators, with deadly weapons, either among themselves or against ferocious beasts तमाशा तमास त्रिदिव दिलबहलाव नाचकूद बिनोद बिलास बेलास मन बहलाव मनव्बहलावअ मनोरंजन उ:   मनोरंजन उन्हें उठा कर नदी की और ले जाने लगा। मनोरञ्जन मनोविनोद रंतव्य रतिकलह विनोद उ:   इसमें मुमताज़ और विनोद खन्ना भी हैं। विलास उ:   पहले इसका नाम विनय विलास पैलेस था। विलासिका शि संक्रिड़न संक्रीड़ सदासुहागिन समुपवेश सुख उ:   सुख दो प्रकार के हैं। सुखवा सुखसाध्य सुखासिका सुख्ख सुदोह, सुदोहना सुपास सौभगत्व स्यूमक आनंद उ:   प्रसिद्ध बाजारपेठ में रहकर भी आनंद ले सकते हैं।
Other : आनन्ददान Ex:  Calaway Park amusement park, Spruce Meadows and Race City Motorsport Park. आमोद Ex:  Toys are more than simple amusement क्रीडा Ex:  The biggest attraction in the city is the amusement park Liseberg . गम्मत Ex:  Also in the zoo complex is the Zoombezi Bay water park and amusement park बहलाव
Amusement ki paribhasha : hindi varnamaala ka pachisavaaan vynjan aur pa varg ka antim varn vah vyaapaara, ghatana ya baat aadi jisaki vilakshanata aadi ke kaaran chitt ka vinod aur manornjan ho vah ddashy jise dekhane se manornjan ho ek prakaar ka roopak jisamen ek hi ank hota hai man ki vah uttam tatha priy anubhooti jisake dvaara anubhav karanevaale ka vishesh samaadhaan aur sntosh hota hai aur jisake baraabar bane rahane ki vah kaamana karata hai prasann ya praphullit karane ki kriya man ko prasann karane ki kriya ya bhaav kaamashaastr ke anusaar ek prakaar ka aalingan
Usage of Amusement in sentences

The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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