Analogous meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Analogous
As adjective : अनुरूप Ex:  Unconsciousness was sometimes held to be analogous to death. उ:   यह उनके अनुरूप ही था।
संविदात Ex:  Finally, the first and second Silk Spectres are roughly analogous to Nightshade सद्दश Ex:  For other analogous expressions, see DEVIL समस्थ Ex:  He said in an analogous sense in speaking of the Persons सहचरित Ex:  He said in an analogous sense, in terms of Entomology and Botanical सहधर्मी Ex:  He said in an analogous sense, speaking of the Mint
Other : समवृत्ति Ex:  He said in an analogous sense in speaking of colors, sounds, smells, flavors
Analogous ki paribhasha : sharir ke antargat paaanch vaayuon men se ek vaayu jisaka sthaan naabhi maana gaya hai
Analogous synonyms
akin comparable corresponding related alike consonant convertible correspondent equivalent homologous interchangeable kindred parallel resembling uniform undifferentiated
Analogous antonyms
alien disconnected unrelated dissimilar unlike disagreeing disparate unalike
Usage of Analogous in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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