Anathema meaning in hindi
As noun : अभिशप्त Ex: he is an anathema to me
अभिशप्त Ex: Ssemogerere's alliance with the UPC was anathema to the Baganda अभिशाप Ex: All the Fathers of the Council of Ephesus cried anathema to Nestorius उ: इनका जीवन एक अभिशाप बन गया था। अभीशाप Ex: Expose yourself to church anathema ईश्वर का श्राप Ex: Hitting anathema घृणित वस्तु Ex: Hitting anathema चर्च द्वारा धर्म बहिष्कार Ex: Launch a monitory, a bubble, a taboo, a mandate, anathema विरुक्षण Ex: Launch the anathema
Anathema ki paribhasha : jisapar mithya dosh laga ho
ExamplesAnathema synonyms
bane pariah enemy detestation abomination bugbear taboo proscription curse execration commination reprehension condemnation imprecation censure malediction reproof reprobation denunciation damnation excommunication Anathema antonyms
love compliment praise approval Usage of Anathema in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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