And all meaning in hindi

How to pronounce And all
As noun : Ex:  The film I recently saw had many affecting scenes, and all the people were crying.
Ex:  It's a great performance—warts and all . के साथ Ex:  Madrid and all major cities in the Caribbean area भी Ex:  Italian Prime Minister and all the ministries. उ:   इनको 'कादियानी' भी कहा जाता है।
And all synonyms
also too likewise additionally aside from beyond else exclusive of extra further furthermore moreover otherwise plus secondly yet added to along with apart from as well as conjointly exceeding in conjunction with in distinction to in excess of in other respects more than not counting on the side on top of everything other than over and above supplementary to to boot together with with the exception of what's more whatever along with others and on and on and others and so on and the like and the rest blah blah blah whatnot et al.
Usage of And all in sentences

The word is used as adjective adverb in english grammar. The word can be used as or noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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