Anemia meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Anemia
As noun : अरक्तता Ex:  Some may also be afflicted with anemia .
अरक्तता; खून की कमी Ex:  Bell died of pernicious anemia on 2 August 1922 खून की कमी Ex:  Tay-Sachs Disease and sickle cell anemia रक्तक्षय Ex:  A life contained anemia रक्ताल्पता Ex:  Medicine Who does anemia उ:   रक्ताल्पता के कारण रोगी दुर्बल हो जाता है।
Anemia synonyms
lifelessness emptiness ischemia chlorosis aplastic anemia bloodlessness
Usage of Anemia in sentences

The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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