Animal meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Animal
As noun : अग्राम्य Ex:  Peacocks find rain as animal magnetism.
असुभत् Ex:  He is studying animal husbandary in the university. आटविक Ex:  Otter is a small animal that has four webbed legs. उजड़ड Ex:  A unicorn is not a real animal . खटखादक Ex:  A jellyfish is an animal that lives in the sea. जंगली Ex:  The animal was caged in the zoo. उ:   झील में पर्यटक अनेक जंगली बतखों को देख सकते हैं। जंत Ex:  a handed, tree-living animal जंतु Ex:  The animal shows fimbriated head-lobes. उ:   अनेक जंतु मनुष्य के आहार होते हैं। जने Ex:  22 LR weapons for animal control जन्मभृत् Ex:  Insulin production from animal pancreases was widespread for decades जन्मी Ex:  There are numerous circuses that maintain a mix of animal and human performers उ:   वो लास एंजलौस मे जन्मी एवं पली-बढ़ीं। जांगलू Ex:  Familiar animal houses built by humans include bird-houses जानवर Ex:  Noting that "no animal has उ:   जंगलों में अनेक जानवर पाए जाते हैं। जिनावर Ex:  Many animal species make their homes in the mountains surrounding the Dead Sea. जीवजन्तु Ex:  In nature, the animal remains below ground for the first two weeks. जीवधारी Ex:  Goa's state animal is the Gaur उ:   प्रत्येक जीवधारी का शरीर छोटी छोटी कोशिकाओं से मिलकर बना होता है। जीवधारी Ex:  Goa's state animal is the Gaur उ:   प्रत्येक जीवधारी का शरीर छोटी छोटी कोशिकाओं से मिलकर बना होता है। जीवयोनि Ex:  The Oxford English Dictionary defines an organism as " individual animal ढाँढा Ex:  They are either used directly to help the animal grow नाथहिर Ex:  The Lophotrochozoa include two of the most successful animal phyla पशु Ex:  The animal was around 70 years of age at death. उ:   पशु मनुष्य के लिए बहु-उपयोगी हैं। पशू Ex:  This animal has never been photographed. पसुआ Ex:  Miniature animal figures are also widespread पाशविक Ex:  It was once thought man was the only animal who fought wars उ:   अपने पाशविक स्वभाव के विपरीत, वूल्वरिन वास्तव में बहुत बुद्धिमान है। पिरंनि Ex:  According to a standard animal definition पौहा ‡ Ex:  The scientific name of the animal is: Odocoileus virginianus प्राणी Ex:  High protein barley is best suited for animal feed. उ:   यह भारत का राष्ट्रीय प्राणी भी है। बनबासी Ex:  Half of the United States' barley production is used as an animal feed. मियेध Ex:  Because the animal burrows शीर्वि Ex:  Many groups have myths about the animal श्वापद् Ex:  The Short-beaked Echidna is an iconic animal in contemporary Australia सापद Ex:  It is related to disciplines outside of psychology that study animal behavior हेवान Ex:  The Tasmanian Devil is an iconic animal within Australia
Other : इन्द्रिय सम्बन्धी Ex:  A rabbit is a small furry animal with long ears . जन्तु संबंधी Ex:  Of the estimated 200,000 animal species in Australia जान्तव Ex:  Kubrick was also an animal lover. जीवजंतु Ex:  It attaches itself to the eyestalk of the animal and sucks blood from its head उ:   इस महाकल्प में न किसी प्रकार के जीवजंतु और न पौधे ही थे। हैवान Ex:  The Blue Whale is believed to be the largest animal ever to have lived.
Animal ki paribhasha : manushy ya kisi aur shariradhaari ka saara sharira, jisaki prathak satta maani jaati hai aur jo kisi samooh ya samaaj ka ang samajha jaata hai pashuon ke jaisa kroor ya nirdayataapoorn janm lenevaala jiv laangoolavishisht chatushpad jntu
Usage of Animal in sentences

The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. . 
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