Animosity meaning in hindi
As noun : अठान० Ex: I dont have any animosity towards anyone.
अति घृणा Ex: Although this earned him some animosity from Silbermann अद्रोहवृत्ति Ex: Setting aside the animosity he felt towards Kronecker उड़ेच Ex: With longstanding animosity following the Korean War from 1950-1953 कद्द Ex: ' There was not the slightest animosity against Lord Harris or any of his team कुभावना Ex: This caused animosity खुसुमत Ex: Have a great animosity against somebody चखाचखी Ex: It is figuratively called the stubborn animosity against somebody we तामिस्त्र Ex: It there was both sides in this debate, too much animosity दुश्मनी की भावना Ex: This lawyer has animosity in his reply दोहु Ex: , Put water in his wine, moderate in on a matter, on any pretense, show less heat, animosity द्रोह उ: वह अन्य द्विजों से ईर्ष्या और भगवान विष्णु से द्रोह करने लगा। द्वेष उ: राग और द्वेष से असंपृक्त हो जाना ही अनासक्ति है। द्वेस ध्रोह नाइत्तिफाकी निर्द्रोह निर्बैरता प्रद्वेष, प्रद्वेषण बयर ‡ बैर उ: यह बैर इस मंदिर में मिट गया है। मछर ‡ रंजिश लागडाँट विद्विषाण विभ्रातृव्य वैरभाव वैरिपण वैर―भाव शंबल सापत्नक स्पर्द्धन, स्पर्धन स्पर्द्धा, स्पर्धा
Other : खुनस Ex: Acting by animosity sheer animosity with animosity, without animosity बैरभाव वैर शत्रुता उ: ऑस्ट्रिया और फ्रांस की शत्रुता यूरोप भर में प्रसिद्ध रही।
Animosity ki paribhasha : abhi- mat va ipsit ki praapti hone par bhi uddhat garv ya maan ke kaaran anaadar ya ghranaabhaav hal men laga hua chilam ke aakaar ka chonga jisamen bhara hua bij hal chalane men baraabar kooand men padta jaata hai chitt ko apriy lagane ki vratti
ExamplesAnimosity synonyms
antagonism enmity hostility bitterness resentment malice acrimony ill will animus antipathy bad blood rancor hate malevolence malignity virulence displeasure Animosity antonyms
rapport friendship good will friendliness happiness liking sympathy kindness love sweetness like loving respect Usage of Animosity in sentences
The word is used as noun in english grammar. The word can be used as noun in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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