Annex meaning in hindi
As noun : अंत में जोडना Ex: Morocco and Mauritania each moved to annex the territory
अंत में जोड़ना Ex: Robert Borden first suggested that Canada annex Turks and Caicos Islands. उपभवन Ex: Some have suggested that Nevada annex the town of Wendover उपाबद्ध करना Ex: Ivan III was able to annex Novgorod and Tver. मिला लेना Ex: The British attempt to annex first the Transvaal in 1880 राज्य में मिला देना Ex: France would annex Brescia राज्य में मिला लेना Ex: Action to annex समामेलन करना Ex: The church of Santa -Marguerite was an annex of the parish of St साथ जोडना या संलग्न करना संलग्न करना हड़प लेना
Other : संलग्न करना Ex: adjectively, annex School
Annex ki paribhasha : do vastuon ko sikara, milaakara, chipakaakar athava isi prakaar ke kisi aur upaay se ek karana
ExamplesAnnex synonyms
addendum appendix addition affix arm adjunct supplement attachment subsidiary wing ell adjoin associate unite appropriate tag link connect fasten subjoin take on take over hitch on hitch up hook on hook up slap on tack on tag on Annex antonyms
lessening subtraction base disconnect disjoin disunite divorce detach loosen leave off divide separate sever unfasten take away unlink leave out Usage of Annex in sentences
The word is used as noun verb in english grammar. The word can be used as, noun, verb or transitive verb in hindi and have more than one meaning. .
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