Annoying meaning in hindi

How to pronounce Annoying
As noun : खिझाऊ Ex:  a more annoying way, they are worse than ever together
खीझ दिलाने वाला Ex:  and by extension, it is said of any compelling influence, excessive, annoying
As adjective : खीझ दिलाने वाली Ex:  As annoying you a little bit you can all fit on this bench
Other : कष्टकर Ex:  Hey, bug off! Your comments are annoying . कष्टप्रद Ex:  A girl annoying
Annoying synonyms
disturbing troublesome irritating bothersome vexatious aggravating
Annoying antonyms
helpful pleasant pleasing soothing welcome agreeable
Usage of Annoying in sentences

The word is used as adjective in english grammar. The word can be used as noun or adjective in hindi and have more than one meaning. 
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